“We Believe in Tomorrow” is a radio drama, which features two groups of students (from Sharia Law and Journalism faculties) forced to work together to produce an...
“We Believe in Tomorrow” is a radio drama, which features two groups of students (from Sharia Law and Journalism faculties) forced to work together to produce an...
“Women’s Health” is a roundtable animated by Begum’s medical journalist and her guests who demystify health issues, separating fact from fiction and bringing...
“Psychology” is an awareness-raising series that uncovers the latest science on how to improve women and children’s mental health and Psychology and reveals...
“Intellectual” is an Islamic lifestyle call-in talk show, tacking social & religious issues from a female perspective. Ural & Mursal animate Begum’s most...
“Resilience” uncovers the stories of ordinary and extraordinary Afghan women, who fight for their lives, their rights and their dignity and achieve a decisive win.